Monday, April 27, 2009

The view from my office

It's nice out.  Finally.  Which is good times - because I like to work on my laptop while sitting on the deck.  

And I am working - of that have no fear!  I still get up and get dressed (the office out back is very office casual), I still make coffee (cream and sugar), and I still answer the phone (actually with the crack berry - that makes two phone lines at my disposal).  The fact that there is a BBQ a mere 15 feet from my workstation is just but one of the many perks of being self employed.  Yeah - its a real grind getting here everyday...but my sick days haven't kicked in yet - so what can ya do?

Today was a great day to be working from the deck.  With two calls scheduled, and a bunch of emails that I needed to get off - it promised to be a productive day on the deck.  And for the most part - it was.  

Until about 3:20 or so.  You see - school gets out at about three...and that's when Nickels comes home.  At about 3:21...give or take - Nickels comes strolling into the backyard (while I'm on a call no less) and decides that there has been enough work done today - and it's time to play - NOW!

He was actually really good about it - as he stood next to me and started humming some symphony that he knows (Bach perhaps?).  The phone call started to go down hill from there....but it was all good (client has youngins it would seem) - got the call completed, saved a copy of my notes.

It was at that point that the office closed for the day.  

There's worms to be found.  Although Mommy has thus far not been overly impressed with my son's ability to carry a worm on a stick and present it for inspection.  Who knew?  :)

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