Friday, April 3, 2009


Just got back from my son's parent teacher interview.  There were a total of 11 people in the room.

Two parents, and our lead therapist.

One teacher - and 7!  Count 'em 7  people from the TDSB.

Add 'em all up - and what do you get?  11 people in the room - all talking about my son. He'd be thrilled if he was there...the centre of attention really is his thing.

Lots of discussion on what's working well...and on what's not working well.  Most things are working well it would seem...although the past few weeks have been hard on everyone.  Not everyone seems to appreciate my son's ability to 'renovate' a room.  Yes - that chair really does need to be placed someplace else!

Nicholas isn't feeling all that well today.  He has a frog in his throat.  I should know - he told me (and his voice does sound froggy).  He doesn't like Mr. Frog in his throat.  Nope - not liking the frog action one bit.

The solution to get rid of Mr. Frog?

"Daddy - I'm talking a little bath to wash Mr. Frog away.  He's bothering my throat...and I don't like him.  Will you help me with a bath this morning?"

"Ummmm...yeah dude - we can do that."  Didn't really have time to deal with Mr. Frog...but what the hell - if it helps his mood...I'll do what I can.

So - Mr. Nicholas got in the bathtub...splashed around for a while (got me wet in the process)...and took care of Mr. Frog.

Mr. Frog will be back - he always returns!

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