Friday, April 17, 2009

Operation Train - Completed

It was a warm and sunny Tuesday evening in Ye Olde Toronto - and it was discovered that, "Yes - the basement is all done!!"....and that there was a certain promise made by a certain dude approaching middle age.  That would be me.

The promise?

That I would help him put together his new train set once the basement was completed.  I wasn't expecting to have to make good on that promise 10 minutes after the contractors left though.

Nickels remembers everything.


"Yes Nickels?"

"The workers are gone....and you know what that means!  It's time to put together my train!"

His train?

Hmmmm....the little man seems to forget that nearly all of those trains are actually mine!  And they have been since I was his age!  That's the trouble with trains in this house....they all belong to him.  Doesn't matter that I've had those trains for 30 years....I was just hanging on to them - waiting for a son to play trains with.  And we do.

So this morning - my son eats a bit of his breakfast.  But he's not really into it.  There's trains in the basement to be played with...and besides?  Who needs calories when you're 7?  Not Nickels - that's for sure.

The train experience of this morning lasted all of 4 minutes....when behold!  Over there in the corner of the room are a bunch of various animal costumes.  Hence the blur that is my son in the photo above....costumes rock!

Nickels starts pulling various costumes out - deciding which ensemble he is going to wear to school.  Hmmmm...."how about wearing the clothes you already have on dude?"


"I need to wear a costume to school!  It's show and tell!!"  (Is everyday show and tell???)

After a brief discussion - we reach a negotiated discussion.  He can wear the costume for a bit at home - and take it to school in his backpack.  This is an agreeable suggestion to Nickels.

So....what's it gonna be?




Sheep?'s gotta be something exotic.

Zebra it is!

I can only imagine how well this is going to go over at school today.  Nickels took the zebra costume in his bag...and asked me three times to make sure that I had actually put said costume in his bag.

"Daddy - are you suuuuuuure you brought the costume?"

"Yes - saw me put it in the bag!!"

This is going to be an interesting day I think...go wild Nickels!  Go wild!  :)

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