Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Laughing Child and No Beer...Makes Daddy Something Something

If you've been reading my blog you likely know that my son has an affinity for the Internet.  YouTube has largely replaced his watching TV....which I'm good with, as I'd rather see my son control the content he views as opposed to just sitting there and having something spoon fed to him.  If you have an autistic child in your life, then you already know that control is something that is very important.

I'm not sure that I'm overly thrilled with his recent fixation though.  Don't get me wrong - I enjoy The Simpsons as much as the next 38 year with a rather childish sense of humor.  Homer just has that ability to speak to me.  

And now?  He speaks to my son.

Over the past week or so - it has become a common sound in my house to hear a little boy laughing uncontrollably.  And we're not talking a good chuckle here - it's a full blown case of the giggles....that can last, and last....and last.  You get the idea.  

And this is all a good thing - really it is.  Nicholas' life is challenging, and he puts up with so much 'crap' from the adults in his life.  Therapists, doctors, teachers, and on and on - there is quite the team of people involved in his life...all with good intentions mind you.....but I'm sure he views us as a pain in the ass sometimes who should just let him be.  So - if he finds something that he enjoys, I try to be supportive.  And besides - the sound of a laughing child is right up there with Rush.

Last night I had to basically pry a giggling child of the computer....he had totally lost it, and was in the midst of  what is best described as a 'gigglefit'.  Nicholas just could not get over the giggles.  Gotta give Homer credit...he's a funny guy!

It was quite the scene.  He's laughing...and I'm trying not to laugh.  I have learned that trying to get a giggling child ready for bed is pretty damn difficult.  Not bad or anything....just difficult.

So.....I finally, finally, finally....got him all ready and into bed.  And then it starts up again.  He's obviously watching reruns in his head....and he's laughing so hard I thought he'd either pass out from lack of oxygen - or puke.  He did neither I'm happy to say.

He eventually settled down - and after the ritual that I must perform as part of his going to bed, he seems settled and ready to crash out.  I left.

Fast forward 15 minutes.

I'm downstairs in my office...studying for my PMP exam when I hear 'the laugh'!  He's out of bed, back on YouTube and giggling up a storm.  The fact that I heard all this going on over the sounds emanating from my iPod gives you some indication as to the volume.

I sigh....do one of my famous eyeball rolls - and proceed to venture back upstairs.  And there he is...watching Homer being Homer - and laughing so hard there were tears running down his face.  

Now its get challenging.

"Get into bed dude!"



"No!  I have to watch this!"

"You watched that same Homer Burger King clip all night!  Enough already!"

"No way dude!"

Did he just call me dude?  Uh huh....he most certainly did.  It's hard to be a disciplinarian when I'm obviously trying not to laugh myself.

"Alright.  That's it.  You either get into bed right now, or I'm gonna sell your computer on eBay!"

"I'll just use one of yours then!"



Now he's mocking me?  I know I was kind of feisty when I was younger....but I listened to my Dad (I saved most of my 'feistyness' for school anyways...teachers never had much power over me....what are they gonna do?  Take my allowance away?).  This is not going to plan.  I gotta give him credit though - Nicholas is a quick thinker.  He's able to develop alternative plans on the fly...

I proceed to pull the chair away from the computer...and then he does the "Floor Flop"....you know....that fall on the floor move that giggling kids make.  You do know that move right?  No?  Now you do.

So there he is.  8 years old, writhing on the floor, and literally laughing his ass off....and I suspect mocking me.

So I pick him up and carry him back to bed.  I don't know how much longer I'll be able to do that.  He's getting to be a big boy....and it's hard to pick him up of the floor.  My back is sore today....

So I finally get him back into bed - and the giggles start to subside (for the most part).  He insists that I perform a few Homerisms....which I can do quite well [where can I put that on my resume?] and then he seems satisfied and content.

I tell him good night and all that sweet stuff.

Silence prevails in the house....

Until about 5am this morning.  He was up early - and apparently doing his laundry (Mommy handled that one....I was still in bed)....but that's a blog for another day.  I need to study.

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