Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Kid Has Cash! Lotsa Cash! Seemingly An Endless Supply!

The mail man came today.  Actually it was the mail woman.  Let's just go with Canada Post employee shall we...much easier that way.  The "mail person" comes pretty much everyday (bur rarely on Fridays it would seem) with an assortment of stuff that generally doesn't even make it into the house (and goes right into the Blue Bin).  Today was an exception.

Today is Valentines Day by the way...the day of the year when men traditionally go out and buy over priced roses and trashy lingerie for their loved ones....or at the least the ones they'd like to love.  I'm taking a pass this year by the way - I don't need a Hallmark moment to express my love for my wife.  (Hope she reads this!  Because....really?  I kind of forgot....again!).

My son...on the other hand is much too young for that stuff (which is fine - I'm not ready to have 'that' conversation).  He did however get something in the mail today.  It was red.  It felt like a card.  It most definitely was a Valentines Day card.

This particular envelope was post marked Guelph.  A lot of nice people tend to live in Guelph (I'm pretty sure most of the nice people currently in Toronto were also born in Guelph).  Guelph is a nice place by the way - trust me....I've been there.  Pretty sure I was even conceived there.  But again - that's another conversation I'm not ready for.  But I digress....

So...there was an envelope addressed to Nicholas.  I knew who it was from - and I even knew what was likely in there - so I just put it on the table for Nicholas to find when he returned home.

About an hour later - Nicholas arrives.  I can hear much yelling and screaming about "the mail!!!".  This is excited screaming....so I'm pretty good with that one.  The "Daddy you suck" screaming I could do without.

I wonder upstairs to soak in the general vibe and excitement:

"Hey dude!  What did you get in the mail?"  All I can see are the remains of a red envelope on the floor...and a card that I doubt he read.


"How much money!"  Never mind the card from Grandma...never mind the sentiment....its all about the cash?

"All of it!"

"Really?  How much is that?:

"10 dollars!  See!  Look!  Check it out!!"....as he starts to madly run around looking for his money jar (it's plastic now by the way....we had an...."incident" a few days ago....maybe I'll write about that - maybe I won't).
"!0 dollars is all of it?"

"Well.....maybe not all of it.  But it sure is A LOT of money!.  See.  Check it out!  You can touch it if you want....but you have to give it back!"

"I've seen $10 bills before man."

"Yeah....sure.  But you've never seen mine!"

"Ok dude.....hand it over!"


"Why not?"

"You're gonna steal it!".

I know I should be hurt at this point....but I'm not.  I'm pretty sure he's not serious.

"So. What are you going to do with your new found wealth?"

"Buy Moshis of course!"

"How about saving some?"


"Saving some.  As in the reason we went to the bank the other day.  Remember?"

"Oh.  Yeah.  That."

"How about we put $5 in the bank....and the rest you can waste...err....invest in Moshis?"

"Works for me!  Now if you'll excuse me....I have to go on eBay to find an ultra rare Moshi!"

"Ok dude.  Have fun finding one for $5."  Plus the shipping.....and all that crap.  I have a feeling this $5 Moshi is going to cost me more than that....we'll see....

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