Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December - The Month of Mischief

I don't understand.  

It's December right?  That special month of the year when all the little boys and girls of the world try and behave...and make up for the 11 months of torment they've just put their parents through.  

Well - something is not working this year.  

This year, even with Nicholas still totally buying the Santa Claus story...and the fact that I have Santa's 800 number, email address and cell phone number, he's just not really into the month of penance for the loot.

Since the tree went up last weekend, I have been woken up early on several occasions due to Christmas related mishaps.

  • The wonderful sound of glass ornaments being dropped onto the floor at 5AM....and then the little tinkle crinkle sounds that are made as my son breaks the pieces into even smaller pieces.  Gotta feed that vacuum!
  • The incessant singing of the 12 Days of Christmas....again - shortly after 5AM.
  • A search and destroy mission looking for some Christmas VHS tape.  Yes - our VCR player still works - and gets use!
  • The pinching of Daddy's nose so that is glows red.
Ominous threats of calling Santa at home with updates of transgressions have little effect. Other than, "Oh Daddy - you're just being silly.  Santa's too busy to talk to you."

Repeated warnings that Santa is always watching merely garner replies like, "Daddy?  It's December you know...Santa is much too busy getting my toys ready to actually have time to watch me!"

I know Nicholas still believes.  He wasn't all that impressed when I lit a fire in the fire place just a few days ago.  "Daddy!!!  What are you doing?  Santa can't come down here when the fire is going!  You need to put it out!".  

Never mind the fact that there were still at least 20 shopping days left before the Santa's arrival.  (Suble hint there gentle reader....17 days left to buy me something nice!  I'm an easy fit...but please - no more shirts or watches...I have too many as it is.  I need socks.  Damn....I actually aged just typing that.).  Or donate to your local Autism Society Chapter.

And when he says those things, in that adorable little adult voice that he has....it just makes me laugh.  Likely because I suspect that this is the last year that Santa will be revered...his blackmail power is certainly fading - or maybe Nicholas just doesn't think I actually have the guy's cell phone number?

But I do....

1-800-Ho-Ho-Ho!  If you dial that number...and you get some female on the phone - I am not paying the $6.99 a minute charge that is likely to appear on your phone bill.  But let me know what she said....I've been good this year!  ;)

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