Friday, May 15, 2009

The Power of Cute

It's been a while since my last post.  I wasn't sure where to take this blog after my last posting - that and I've been real busy working on a few projects.  A lot of blog worthy things have taken place since my last posting - this one being a good example of that:

A few days ago I was downstairs in my office - working away (and wasting time on Facebook.  I do that a lot...but its a good release, and it keeps in touch with humanity) while there was a storm going on upstairs.  Yes - an indoor storm.

My son (the cute one) and my wife (the really cute one) were getting into it about something.  I have no idea what was going on, nor do I know who started it.  All I know is that the other members of my household were being tools - and making far too much noise.  Like I said - I was trying to get some work done.  It wasn't happening.

So...I'm downstairs - hoping the storm will blow over, and that sanity will once again reign supreme in my home.  It does not.  It's getting worse.

Sighing to myself....I decide that these people all need to get a get grip - and just calm down.

So I wander upstairs.  And there's these other people kind of being rude to each other - and generally just not getting along.  I decide to intervene.

"What is the matter with you people?"

Dirty looks are directed at me....from both parties.

This isn't going well.

I decided that I needed to work on my vitamin D...and ask Nicholas if he would like to go for a walk with me.  He readily agrees.  He seems quite eager to clear out for a bit.

Shoes on - and we're gone.  

My son was crying that cute little sob thing that he does...he thinks Mommy doesn't like  him.  I assure him that yes indeed she does...everyone does!

He looks up at  me...tears streaming down his face..."Are you sure Daddy?"

"Yeah man....I'm sure.  Daddy knows all...and besides - I took a survey, and I asked everyone.  They all agreed that you are one righteous little dude!"

He smiles...and within the space of 10 meters...I've got a child holding my hand and happily skipping along with me.  He's doing the skipping...I am not.  That's not my thing.

So...we're walking down the street - hand in hand...when he spots some wild flowers growing at the front of someone's yard.

He announces that he is going to pick some for Mommy.  I like the idea...but I'm not sure that just picking other people's flowers is really a habit I want him taking up.

I tell him that we can't pick other people's flowers...that would be rude - and not a nice thing to do.  He starts to melt down again...."But but but....I want to bring flowers for Mommy".

Now what???

"Hey Nichols...why don't we knock on the door and just ask them if you can pick a few?"

"Okay"....and he's off to the front door....with me in tow.

He rings the bell.

No answer.

He knocks on the door.

No answer.

"Hello??  It's me - Nicholas....I have a question for you!"  (He has been to the house for Halloween - and he likely remembers the names of the people who live there).

He's looking in the window beside the door....knocking away.

Then the door opens.  It's a rather large, scruffy gentleman who doesn't look all that pleased to have people knocking on his door.  He's looking right at me...he doesn't even see my son (he's considerably shorter than me).  "What do you want?"

I let the guy know that my son would like to ask him a question.  He looks down...

"Hello!  I was wondering if if would be okay if I picked some of your flowers for Mommy?"

The guy pauses for a moment...starts to smile from ear to ear...and says, " got a buck?"

Nicholas proclaims that he is without funds...and that Daddy has money.  No Nicholas - Daddy does not have any money handy.

The guy is laughing at this point.  "Sure - little guy...pick all you want!!".  I'm shaking my head at this point....this guy has no clue that he's inviting utter deforestation of his front yard.  

"Why thank you!" my son replies.  "I only need three flowers for Mommy".

So Nicholas scampers back down the driveway...and picks one...two...three flowers.  The guy is watching from his front steps...he's all smiles and laughing.  I think my son made his day.

Nicholas thanks the kindly stranger for the flowers....and then we proceed home - to put the flowers in water - and present them to Mommy.

Not more than 10 minutes earlier - there were two cranky people in my house...and one cranky appearing guy up the street.  And that's the moral of this story.  A simple act of kindness made Mommy's day.  A simple act of politeness and cuteness made some other guy's day.  Beauty and kindness are everywhere to be found - you just need to know where to look.

And Daddy?  He's the hero for defusing a situation and ensuring that the power of cuteness is able to spread it's way throughout the neighbourhood.

I have my moments.

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