Friday, March 30, 2012

The Chicken Toss

Ok - so you've all had an opportunity to vote on today's awesome blog posting.  And since I love democracy as much as the next guy - this too will be a chicken themed post.  And that's good.  Everyone loves chicken.  Some more than others...

Oh - and before I get into it....just thought I'd share this with you.  It's been clinically proven that your chances of dying are greatly reduced when you share my blog with someone else.  And your life style is greatly enhanced when you visit one of the advertisers on the right hand side of the page.  Go don't wanna die do you?  I'm sure you were raised to do it!

By now you are all well acquainted with the fact that my son (aka "ChickenManNicholas"...or "The Chickenator" as he prefers) is rather found of Daddy Chicken or just chicken in general.  Seems a lot of you are as well based on the traffic that that one post has received.  Lisa....have you actually made it yet?  

It would seem that sometimes a fondness for something can turn into an outright addiction....and the realization that not only is chicken can on occasion fly too.

Last week I made chicken.  No surprise there - I make a lot of chicken.  It's a popular request in this house - and I'm happy to make it because it means my son is eating something that is homemade.  How can this ever be a bad thing?

Generally - there are 10 drumsticks in a package of chicken....and you have to move fast if you want more than one serving.  My son moves fast.

Last week - after he scarfed down 4 drumsticks he ran back to the kitchen to score some more.  No surprise there really....and it's to be expected actually.  I had already had two....and Mommy hadn't gotten to it just yet.  So....that's means there is 4 left sitting on the counter.

I was not even surprised to hear the "oh la la!  More chicken for me!" sound coming from the kitchen.  It's a nice sound.

Shortly after that comes the pitter patter of little feet (ok - more like stomp stomp) running through the living room.  There's a little boy with two drumsticks in each hand hauling ass through the room.  He thinks the faster he moves...the less likely we are to notice that Mommy isn't getting any chicken tonight.

"Hey man!  What's going on?  Why are you taking all the chicken?"

"I dunno."

"Well....don't you think it might be nice if Mommy got some?"


" about it?"


And then Nicholas proceeds to toss two drumsticks at me while I'm sitting on the couch - and then he takes off.

Word to the wise - I'm not making BBQ chicken anymore....the sauce isn't all that easy to clean off the couch....or my arm....or the floor.  The baked chicken with the Shake 'n Bake knock off coating is an easier clean.

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