Interesting Christmas this year....very interesting indeed!
Yes - we were up at 4:30AM opening presents....same as usual.
Yes - we devoured massive amounts of chocolate (ok....I devoured massive amounts of chocolate).
Yes - I made a kick ass, stuff your face, lick the plate breakfast.
And YES! The tree has got to go.
Several hours after the opening of gifts - and the subsequent stuffing of the recycle was decided by a certain little boy that Christmas was over - and that meant that the tree needed to come down.
There he is - plucking ornaments from the tree and depositing them in a non-ornament box....when I so foolishly inquired as to what was going down.
"That's it Daddy! I opened all my that means Christmas is over!"
"Really? It's not even noon yet man....we have lots of Christmas day left."
"Doesn't matter! It's time to clean up this place....the tree is taking over the room."
-YESSSSS!!!! He is my son!!! I totally agree....the tree has got to go!-
"Well....Mommy likes the tree...maybe we can leave it up for her for a few more days?"
"Ummm....because Mommy likes the Christmassy stuff to be up until at least mid April?"
'Uh way. That is NOT happening. The Easter Bunny will get mad and not stop by....that just won't do! Santa was here - he ate the cookies, drank the milk....and left me a pile of stuff.....but that's over now!"
"Over now? You haven't even played with half the stuff yet!'re kinda Grinchy aren't ya?"
"Don't say that! My name is Nicholas L!"
"Well how about this....we leave the tree up for a few more days....and then we'll take it down together. OK?"
"How many is a few days?"
-I like this...precision! Set and defined time lines and goals. Such a Capricorn! Just like Daddy!-
"A few days is more than 2 - but less than 4."
"Yeah - 3 days"
"Why didn't you just say 3 days?"
"Easy there man....I don't work for don't write my evaluations."
"No! Mommy does!!!"....and then some rather maniacal sounding laughter.
And so on...and so forth....the conversation went on for another 15 minutes. Not sure there was any clear winner...but there was no freaking out - so it's all cool.
It's been over 3 days now....the tree is still up. My kid is a slacker! Gonna have to remind him about this....I want that plastic piece of crap boxed up and stashed really is taking over the room. ;)