Friday, July 24, 2009

Dead artists charge too much for thier stuff!

How do I explain to my son about the concept of money - and the fact that I don't have several million just lying around? Ok - maybe I do have a million or so just kicking guys have been great clicking the Google ads on my blog.

My son has a fixation. A potentially expensive one.

At the age of 7 - he has decided that Vincent Van Gogh is (was?) a righteous dude - and that Daddy really should get out there and buy an original work of art. When I was 7 - I had stuff up on the walls of my room. I don't remember what any of that crap was...but I do know I did not have any Van Gogh pictures hanging up.

My son does. Photocopies pictures for now...originals if he gets his wish.

I blame Baby Einstein for this! It started with the videos...of which he has them all committed to memory. From that...a Van Gogh obsession started. And now I'm expected to just "go out and buy a Van Gogh picture - a real one!"....and I'm supposed to do this...."Now!!!". Um yeah dude...I'll just head out to Wal-mart and see if they have any....

My little dude sure does have some expensive tastes! You see those Group of 7 prints on the wall little man? They're called in reproductions....fake in other words! And those suckers costs over $300 each! It'll be a garbage free day in Toronto before I sell of a kidney and go about buying a Van Gogh original! I'm not even sure one kidney would be enough.

I'll give him credit least he picked a Dutch artist to get into. Ain't Dutch? Ain't Much!

Now click an ad! Nickels needs a Van Gogh! :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Memos from the Master

An interesting phenomenon is taking place in my house. My son, the very verbal autistic kid, has taken to communicating his thought process (read: demands!) to us through the use of memos.

It is now a very frequent occurrence in my house to receive either a handwritten note...or a computer printout (he's 7 and has mastered Word! I know people my age who still have trouble with it.) detailing what he wants.

For example:

"Dear Daddy

I don't want to go to summer camp with Erica today. I'd rather stay home and hang out with you!

Thank you very much,

Nicolas, L"


"Dear Mom and Dad

Please exchange our old mousetrap game for a new mousetrap game. The one I have is missing pieces and it's just no fun anymore


Nicholas, L."

(And yes...I took him to Toys 'R Us....handed him a $50 and followed him while he marched to the exact spot where the Mousetrap games were.)

Even better:

"Dear Mommy

I want to go to Great Wolf Lodge, and just ignore the talking animals, and the talking tree. We will find the water park, and our room. It's right in Niagara Falls.

Yours sincerely,

Nicholas L

P.S. Can your whole family come too?"

He even writes notes to his teachers:

"Dear Mr. Zummach

I'm enjoying camp. And I'm sending this note to you for being the best teacher this year. I can't wait to come back to school next year. Thanks for your support!


Nicholas L.

P.S. Can I see you next time?"

And a sad one:

"Dear Mommy

I was sad today, because of the Baby Einstein DVD. It really upset me. Please send me some information on sobbing, as I think I might be hurt.

Yours truly,
Your lonesome child
Nicholas, L.

P.S. Just how can I stop crying?"

He now knows....he googled how to stop crying and found some WikiHow page on how to stop crying. Amazing! The lonesome child comment kind of got to me...I think he knows he's going to be an only much as I wish he wasn't.

What really blows me away about Nicholas' notes is the fact that he is making use of contractions, forms clear and concise sentences...and doesn't need spell check. Ever.

This is one smart kid...just hope I can keep up with him! :)