Saturday, February 11, 2012

McRiot Round 2? Let's Put It To A Vote!

If you've been reading my blog...and I know at least 12 of you have - you're well aware of the mayhem and madness that I experienced last year at a McDonald's birthday party.

Long story short (and can always go back and read it) - my son was one of 6 or 7 other autistic kids who rocked the McDonald's on Dixie. For the most part - it was a good time. Ok....time heals most wounds. But it was a terrible time. And I'm not sure all that much fun was had.

 Not more than an hour ago - my wife happened to mention that we got another invite, to another the same McDonald's location. This concerns me. I'm not sure that I want to take my son (who I'm sure if we asked would be delighted to attend) again. It didn't work out all that well last time. My wife is totally on the fence about this. It's not as if my child was particularly bad or anything - actually....he was quite good (until some other nameless child...ok...I know his name....but I won't mention it here...threw the air hockey puck at my son's head)...but not all the other kids where.

I guess my main concern (other than my son's overall well being and safety) is that there will be acts of violence...and there will be other parents there - who again....will do nothing to intervene when their own little hell spawn decides to act in an inappropriate manner. Yes - of course, my son was really well behaved (honestly!)....but the other kids? Not so much. I can't really fault the kids for getting all riled up. Most of them have sensory issues - and when you jam a bunch of easily stimulated kids into an enclosed area....well...the volume gets up there - and voila! Another McDonald's location makes it to the 6 o'clock news when a bunch of hoodlum 11 year old tear the place apart. you can see - I'm on the fence. And as far as I know....I have no vested interest in whether a McDonald's is spared the destruction (I didn't buy that stock when it was a good deal....wish I had though...)

Do we go - and experience the joy and wonder of over stimulated kids? Or do we take a pass and enjoy a quiet and peaceful Sunday?

 Let's put it to a vote...use the comment section below to share your thoughts on this pressing matter.

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